- class tracdap.rt.api.BasicType¶
Basic types provide the set of core types available in the TRAC type system.
- ARRAY = 8¶
An array of values, which may be primitive or composite values.
All items in an array must have the same type (i.e. the same type descriptor).
- BOOLEAN = 1¶
A true/false value
- DATE = 6¶
A date value.
Dates do not take any account of time zones or offsets from UTC.
A date-time value.
Date-time values may be expressed with an offset from UTC, as per ISO 8601. The available sub-second precision may vary depending on language / platform.
For metadata attributes, TRAC represents all date-times as in UTC with microsecond precision. Incoming values will be converted to UTC if they are supplied with an offset.
- DECIMAL = 5¶
A fixed-point decimal value with known precision and scale.
The available precision and scale may vary between languages / platforms.
For metadata attributes, TRAC provides the following guarantees on precision:
precision >= 31
scale >= 10
precision - scale >= 21
- FLOAT = 3¶
64 bit signed floating point number (referred to as ‘double’ in many languages)
- INTEGER = 2¶
64 bit signed integer
- MAP = 9¶
An key-value map with string keys, values may be primitive or composite values.
Maps may be uniform, in which case all the values are of the same type, or non- uniform in which case values can be of any type. For uniform maps the type descriptor will specify the type contained in the map. For non-uniform maps the type descriptor can only specify that the map is non-uniform, values must be examined at run time to determine their type.
See also
- STRING = 4¶
UTF encoded string value of arbitrary length.
The encoding used (e.g. UTF-8, UTF-16, UCS-16) varies between languages / platforms, generally TRAC will present strings using the standard encoding for a given language or protocol.