
TRAC is a universal model orchestration solution that combines your existing data and compute infrastructure, model development environments and the repository of versioned code, to create a single ecosystem in which to build and deploy models, orchestrate complex workflows and run analytics.

The platform is built around three key principles, selected to break the trade-off that has traditionally been required, between flexible (but uncontrolled) analytics solutions and highly controlled (but inflexible) production platforms.



The same infrastructure, tools and business assets support both production and experimental model runs, and post-run analytics. TRAC therefore supports all possible uses of a model and no other deployment environments are required.



The platform’s design makes it impossible to accidentally damage or destroy deployed data, models or flows. Model developers and users can therefore self-serve with confidence, free from the constraints of traditional change control processes.



TRAC automatically generates governance-ready documentation with no manual input required, eliminating the need to manually compile paper evidence for model deployment oversight, data lineage reporting and internal audit.

Because TRAC is sufficient, incorruptible and self-documenting you get the best of both worlds. Maximal control and transparency plus analytical flexibility, in a single solution.

TRAC Metadata Model

Structural Model

TRAC is built around a structural metadata model which catalogues, describes and controls almost everything that happens on the platform. The model consists of two layers.


Objects are the model’s structural elements. Data, models and jobs are all described by metadata objects. Each type of object has a metadata structure that is defined as part of the TRAC API.


Tags are used to index, describe and control objects, they are made up of key-value attributes. Some attributes are controlled by the platform, others can be set by client applications or edited by users.

Primary Object Types

All model orchestration and analytics use cases can be understood in reference to four primary object types. They are not the the only types of object on TRAC but they are the most common and important.







Collections of documents and records which have been imported into a TRAC-controlled Data Store

A structural representation of the data schema plus information about its physical storage



Discrete units of code stored in a repository, which are exposed to TRAC via the model import process

A structural representation of the model schema plus reference to immutable model code or a binary package (e.g. in Git or Nexus)



NA - flows exists only as TRAC metadata objects

A calculation graph where inputs, outputs and models are the nodes and edges represent data flow



A process or calculation orchestrated by TRAC which may use one or more external system or resource. There are five job types; ImportModel, ImportData, RunModel, RunFlow and ExportData

The detail varies by job type but it will map the job reference to the objects used as inputs and those generated as outputs. For a RunFlow job this includes the flow plus models, data and parameters used as inputs and the datasets the job generated.


Metadata records are maintained using an immutable, time-indexed version history, with “updates” being performed by creating a new version of the object or tag. TRAC metadata therefore provides a fully consistent historical view of the platform and a complete audit history that is both machine and human readable.

Where metadata objects refer to external resources such as models and data, those resources are also immutable. This is achieved using e.g. GitHub tags or Nexus binary versions for models, and data areas owned by TRAC with controlled write access for primary data.

Virtual Deployment Framework

Self-describing Models

Models can be imported and used with zero code modifications or platform-level interventions, so long as the model code contains a custom function which declares the model’s schema to the platform. A model schema consists of:

  • The schema of any data inputs the model needs to run

  • The schema of any optional or required parameters which affect how the model runs

  • The schema of the output data which the model produces when it runs

Model Deployment Process

TRAC uses a ‘virtual’ model deployment framework, in which model code remains in an external repository and is accessed at runtime. There are three main processes involved in this framework and TRAC performs validations at each of the steps. These validations replace the traditional route-to-live process and allow models to be deployed and used without platform-level interventions or code changes.







Importing a model creates an object in the TRAC metadata store which refers to and describes the model. This record includes the model schema. The model is not deployed (in the traditional, physical sense) because the code remains in the repository.

Does the model code contain a properly constructed function declaring its schema?



Flows can be built and validated on the platform using only the schema representations of the models. Flows exist only as metadata objects, so a flow is like a ‘virtual’ deployment of some models into an execution process.

Is the model schema compatible with it’s proposed placing in the calculation graph?



For a RunFlow job you first pick a flow and the. select the data and model objects to use for each node, plus any required parameters. TRAC then fetches the model code and the data records from storage and orchestrates the calculations as a single job.

Does the model code generate outputs which are consistent with the declared schema?

In addition to these steps, the TRAC Runtime can be deployed to your IDE of choice, giving you all the type safety of production and ensuring that models translate to production without modification. Any model which executes via the TRAC Runtime service in the IDE with local data inputs will run on the platform.

TRAC Guarantee

TRAC offers a unique control environment which is characterised by three guarantees.



Any action that changes a tag or creates an object is recorded in a time-consistent fashion in the metadata model. The metadata is designed to be easily understood by humans and machines and standard report formats can be used to create governance-ready documentation with no manual input required.



Any RunModel or RunFlow job can be re-resubmitted and because the inputs are immutable you will get the same result, guaranteed. We account for multiple factors that cause non-deterministic model output: threading (don’t use it!), random number generation, time, external calls and dynamic execution (these are disabled), language and library versions (these are recorded with the metadata).



Every version of every object (model, data, flow) remains permanently available to use and there is no possibility of accidental loss or damage to deployed assets. Therefore, there is no change risk (as traditionally defined) on TRAC.


The repeatability guarantee applies to RunModel, RunFlow and ExportData jobs. A model cannot be imported twice so an ImportModel job cannot be repeated. An ImportData job can be repeated but due to the dependence on an external source, TRAC cannot guarantee that the same outputs will be produced.

Experimentation & Analytics

In addition to supporting highly-controlled (or ‘production’) model execution processes, TRAC also provide two main ways to construct ‘experimental’ model runs.


Separate flows can be created for any standardised analytic process, from sensitivity analysis to periodic model monitoring. Under the virtual deployment framework, Jobs which use these experimental flows are safely executed on production data and infrastructure.


Using a ‘production’ flow, alternate model versions, data inputs or parameter values can be selected. For quick and simple what-if analysis, old jobs can be loaded, edited and resubmitted, for example to run last year’s models with this year’s data, or vice versa

TRAC can execute as many parallel jobs as the underlying compute infrastructure will allow and because they are isolated and stateless, multiple runs can use different versions of the same model or dataset concurrently. This greatly reduces the time required to complete more complex comparative analytics.