TRAC Data & Analytics Platform

A next-generation data and analytics platform for use in highly regulated environments


We are building the documentation for TRAC in parallel with the open source version of the platform, both are in active deveopment. This documentaiton is presented in the hope that it will be useful before it is complete!

You can see the current development status and roadmap for the platform on the roadmap page. If you have particular questions or issues, please raise a ticket on our issue tracker.

Learn about TRAC

Learn about the TRAC platform, starting with the metadata model.

Build and run models

Use the TRAC runtime APIs to build portable, self-documenting models.

Build applications and workflows

Connect web or desktop applications to the TRAC services and metadata catalog.

(Also relevant for system-to-system integration).

Deploy and manage the platform

Everything to do with deployment, configuration and technology integration, for dev-ops engineers and systems administrators.

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

  • Search Page let’s you search across all the TRAC documentation

  • Module Index lists all the code modules with auto-generated documentation

  • Index is an index of individual methos and fields