- ArrayValue
- BasicType
- CopyStatus
- CustomDefinition
- DataDefinition
- DateValue
- DatetimeValue
- DecimalValue
- ExportDataJob
- FieldSchema
- FileDefinition
- FileType
- FlowDefinition
- FlowEdge
- FlowNode
- FlowNodeType
- FlowSocket
- ImportDataJob
- ImportModelJob
- IncarnationStatus
- JobDefinition
- JobGroup
- JobGroupType
- JobStatusCode
- JobType
- LogicalExpression
- LogicalOperator
- MapValue
- MetadataFormat
- MetadataVersion
- ModelDefinition
- ModelInputSchema
- ModelOutputSchema
- ModelParameter
- ModelType
- ObjectDefinition
- ObjectType
- ParallelJobGroup
- PartKey
- PartType
- ResourceType
- ResultDefinition
- RunFlowJob
- RunModelJob
- SchemaDefinition
- SchemaType
- SearchExpression
- SearchOperator
- SearchParameters
- SearchTerm
- SequentialJobGroup
- StorageCopy
- StorageDefinition
- StorageIncarnation
- StorageItem
- StructField
- StructSchema
- TableSchema
- Tag
- TagHeader
- TagOperation
- TagSelector
- TagUpdate
- TenantInfo
- TypeDescriptor
- Value
An array value holds an array of other Values. |
Basic types provide the set of core types available in the TRAC type system. |
Status of an individual copy of a data storage item |
Define a custom object that can be stored and managed in the TRAC metadata store |
Define a dataset that can be stored and managed in the TRAC platform |
Represent a date value. |
Represent a date-time value. |
Represent a decimal value. |
Specification for an EXPORT_DATA job |
Schema for an individual field in a tabular dataset |
Describes a file object stored in the TRAC platform |
A flow defines an execution graph as a set of connections between models and data |
A connection between two nodes in a flow |
Describes an individual node in a flow |
Specify the type of an individual flow node |
A socket is a point of connection for wiring up the edges in a flow |
Specification for an IMPORT_DATA job |
Specification for an IMPORT_MODEL job |
Status of an individual incarnation of a data storage item |
Define a job to run on the TRAC platform |
Specification for a JOB_GROUP job, which runs a collection of other jobs |
Specify the group type for a JOB_GROUP job |
Indicate the status of a job in the TRAC platform |
Specify the type of an individual TRAC job |
Logical expression for a search of the TRAC metadata store. |
Metadata search logical operator, used as part of a LogicalExpression. |
A map value holds a map of string keys to other Values. |
Available formats for representing the TRAC metadata. |
Explicit versioning of the metadata schema. |
Define a model for execution on the TRAC platform |
Describes the data schema of a model input |
Describes the data schema of a model output |
Describes an individual parameter of a model |
Identify specialized model types for specific tasks |
Object definitions are the core structural element of TRAC's metadata model |
Enumeration of TRAC's core object types. |
A job group where all jobs runs in parallel |
Partition key for tabular datasets |
Partitioning scheme applied to a dataset |
Enumeration of infrastructure resources that can be added to a tenant |
Define the result of a job after it has completed |
Specification for a RUN_FLOW job |
Specification for a RuN_MODEL job |
A schema definition describes the schema of a dataset |
Enumeration of the available types of data schema |
Search expression for a search of the TRAC metadata store. |
Metadata search term operator, used as part of a SearchTerm |
Parameters to define a metadata search. |
Individual search term for a search of the TRAC metadata store. |
A job group where each job runs in sequence |
Define physical storage for an individual copy of a data item |
Defines the physical storage for a file or dataset object |
Define physical storage for an individual incarnation of a data item |
Define physical storage for an individual data item |
Schema for a tabular dataset |
Tags are the core informational element of TRAC's metadata model. |
A tag header describes the identity and version of an object. |
Enumeration of available TagUpdate operations. |
A tag selector describes the selection of a unique object at a point in time. |
A tag update is a request for a single update operation on a tag. |
Information about a tenant that is set up on the TRAC platform. |
A type descriptor describes a data type used in the TRAC platform. |
A value expressed in the TRAC type system. |