
class tracdap.rt.api.Tag

Tags are the core informational element of TRAC’s metadata model.

A tag is a set of attributes (key-value pairs) associated with an object definition, intended for storing descriptive and informational data as well as application-level metadata that is not part of the object definition model. Here is an example of a set of tag attributes to illustrate some ways they can be used:

# A descriptive field intended for human users.

display_name: "Customer accounts for March 2020, corrected April 6th"

# A classification that can be used for searching or indexing.
# Client applications can also use this to find datasets of a certain
# type; typically an application will define a set of attributes that are
# "structural", i.e. the application uses those attributes to decide which
# objects to present for certain purposes.

dataset_class: "customer_accounts"

# Properties of an item can be added as individual attributes so they can
# be searched and displayed individually. This avoids the anti-pattern of
# putting multiple attributes into a single name/label field:
#    customer_accounts_mar20_scotland_commercial_approved

accounting_date: (DATE) 2020-03-31
region: "Scotland"
book: "commercial_property"
figures_approved: (BOOLEAN) true

# Attributes can be multi-valued. This can be helpful for applying
# regulatory classifiers, where multiple classifiers may apply to a
# single item.

data_classification: ["confidential", "gdpr_pii", "audited"]

# TRAC records a number of "controlled" attributes, these are set by the
# platform and cannot be modified directly through the metadata API.
# Controlled attributes start with the prefix "trac_".

trac_create_time: (DATETIME) 2020-04-01 10:37:05
trac_create_user_id: "jane.doe"
trac_create_user_name: "Jane Doe"

Tags use immutable versioning in the same way as objects - each version of a tag is immutable and “updating” a tag means creating a new version with one or more modified attributes. Each version of an object has its own series of tags starting at tag version 1.

As an example of this versioning, consider a partitioned dataset with daily account records. Version X of the dataset contains data up to a certain date and might have a tag saying it is signed off. A user/process then adds a new partition with the next day’s data, creating version X+1. In this case, object version X would still be signed off while version X+1 is awaiting approval. When version X+1 is approved, the tag for that version can be “updated”. The application could decide whether to show the most recent version of the data, or an earlier version that has the sign-off attribute set.

attrs: Dict[str, Value]

Tag attributes are key-value pairs where the value is a metadata Value.

Attribute values are restricted to primitive types (which are interpreted as single-valued attributes) or arrays of primitive types (which are interpreted as multi-valued attributes). Any attribute may be single- or multi-valued, except BOOLEAN attributes which are always single-valued.

An attribute may change from single- to multi-valued or vice versa when a tag is updated, e.g. is a classification is added or removed. An array containing a single item is treated as a single-valued attribute, i.e. there is no distinction between a single value and an array of one item. Single-valued attributes are always returned as primitive types when querying the metadata API.

Single- and multi-valued attributes have different search semantics. For example, inequalities are not defined on multi-valued attributes. See SearchParameters for more details.

See also


definition: ObjectDefinition | None

The object definition that the tag is associated with.

Sometimes the definition may be omitted, for example the results of a metadata search include only headers and attributes.

See also


header: eader

The tag header uniquely identifies the current tag and the object it is associated with.

See also
