Error types raised by the TRAC runtime
- EConfig
- EConfigLoad
- EConfigParse
- EData
- EDataConformance
- EDataCorruption
- EJobValidation
- EModel
- EModelExec
- EModelLoad
- EModelRepo
- EModelRepoAccess
- EModelRepoCommunication
- EModelRepoConfig
- EModelRepoRequest
- EModelValidation
- EPluginNotAvailable
- ERuntimeValidation
- EStartup
- EStorage
- EStorageAccess
- EStorageCommunication
- EStorageConfig
- EStorageRequest
- EStorageValidation
- ETrac
- ETracInternal
- EUnexpected
- EValidation
- EValidationGap
Indicates an error in a config file (either system or job config) |
Config errors related to loading files and resources |
Config errors relating to syntax, structure and config validation. |
A data exception indicates a problem with primary data itself (as opposed to storage or marshalling errors) |
Data does not conform to the required the schema (and cannot be coerced) |
Data is considered corrupt when it cannot be understood according to its own format |
A job submitted to the engine has failed validation |
Base class for model errors |
An error occurred during the execution of model code |
Indicates a failure to load the model class, or other runtime resources |
Indicates an error that occurs with the model loading mechanism |
The model repository responds, but access is denied |
Communication with the model repository fails for a technical reason |
Model repo referenced in metadata is either not supported or not configured |
The model repository responds, but the request fails for a structural reason |
Validation failure when a model is imported or loaded |
Root of the TRAC runtime exception hierarchy |
Validation failure when a model calls into the TRAC API using the methods in TracContext |
An error during the runtime startup sequence |
Indicates an error that occurs in the storage layer |
The storage layer responds, but access is denied |
Communication with the storage layer fails for a technical reason |
Storage referenced in metadata is either not supported or not configured |
The storage layer responds, but the request fails for a structural reason |
Storage request is invalid or not allowed (e.g. illegal chars in storage path or path escapes storage root) |
Root of the TRAC runtime exception hierarchy |
An internal error has occurred in the TRAC runtime engine (this is a bug) |
An unexpected error has occurred in the TRAC runtime engine (this is a bug) |
Base class for validation errors. |
A validation error has occurred in the TRAC runtime engine (this is a bug) |