
TRAC model API for Python



An array value holds an array of other Values.


Basic types provide the set of core types available in the TRAC type system.



Status of an individual copy of a data storage item


Define a custom object that can be stored and managed in the TRAC metadata store


Define a dataset that can be stored and managed in the TRAC platform


Represent a date value.


Represent a date-time value.


Represent a decimal value.


Specification for an EXPORT_DATA job


Schema for an individual field in a tabular dataset


Describes a file object stored in the TRAC platform



A flow defines an execution graph as a set of connections between models and data


A connection between two nodes in a flow


Describes an individual node in a flow


Specify the type of an individual flow node


A socket is a point of connection for wiring up the edges in a flow


Specification for an IMPORT_DATA job


Specification for an IMPORT_MODEL job


Status of an individual incarnation of a data storage item


Define a job to run on the TRAC platform


Specification for a JOB_GROUP job, which runs a collection of other jobs


Specify the group type for a JOB_GROUP job


Indicate the status of a job in the TRAC platform


Specify the type of an individual TRAC job


Logical expression for a search of the TRAC metadata store.


Metadata search logical operator, used as part of a LogicalExpression.


A map value holds a map of string keys to other Values.


Available formats for representing the TRAC metadata.


Explicit versioning of the metadata schema.


Define a model for execution on the TRAC platform

ModelInputSchema(schema[, label, optional, dynamic, ...])

ModelOutputSchema(schema[, label, optional, dynamic, ...])


Describes an individual parameter of a model


Identify specialized model types for specific tasks


Object definitions are the core structural element of TRAC's metadata model


Enumeration of TRAC's core object types.


A job group where all jobs runs in parallel


Partition key for tabular datasets


Partitioning scheme applied to a dataset


Enumeration of infrastructure resources that can be added to a tenant


Define the result of a job after it has completed


Specification for a RUN_FLOW job


Specification for a RuN_MODEL job


A schema definition describes the schema of a dataset


Enumeration of the available types of data schema


Search expression for a search of the TRAC metadata store.


Metadata search term operator, used as part of a SearchTerm


Parameters to define a metadata search.


Individual search term for a search of the TRAC metadata store.


A job group where each job runs in sequence


Define physical storage for an individual copy of a data item


Defines the physical storage for a file or dataset object


Define physical storage for an individual incarnation of a data item


Define physical storage for an individual data item


Schema for a tabular dataset


Tags are the core informational element of TRAC's metadata model.


A tag header describes the identity and version of an object.


Enumeration of available TagUpdate operations.


A tag selector describes the selection of a unique object at a point in time.


A tag update is a request for a single update operation on a tag.


Information about a tenant that is set up on the TRAC platform.


Interface that allows model components to interact with the platform at runtime


Base class that model components inherit from to be recognised by the platform


A type descriptor describes a data type used in the TRAC platform.


A value expressed in the TRAC type system.


A(attr_name, attr_value[, attr_type, categorical])

Shorthand alias for define_attribute()

F(field_name, field_type, label[, business_key, ...])

Shorthand alias for define_field()

P(param_name, param_type, label[, default_value, ...])

Shorthand alias for define_parameter()

define_attribute(attr_name, attr_value[, attr_type, ...])

Define an individual model attribute


Define a set of attributes to catalogue and describe a model

define_field(field_name, field_type, label[, ...])

Define an individual field for use in a schema

define_file_type(extension, mime_type)

define_input(requirement, *[, label, optional, ...])

define_input_file(extension, mime_type, *[, label, ...])

define_input_table(*fields[, label, optional, ...])

Define a model input with a table schema

define_output(requirement, *[, label, optional, ...])

define_output_file(extension, mime_type, *[, label, ...])

define_output_table(*fields[, label, optional, ...])

Define a model output with a table schema

define_parameter(param_name, param_type, label[, ...])

Define an individual model parameter


Defined the set of parameters used by a model

define_schema(*fields[, schema_type, dynamic])

Create a SchemaDefinition from a list of fields

load_schema(package, schema_file[, schema_type])

Load a SchemaDefinition from a CSV file in the model package



Synonym for BasicType.BOOLEAN


Synonym for BasicType.DATE


Synonym for BasicType.DATETIME


Synonym for BasicType.DECIMAL


Synonym for BasicType.FLOAT


Synonym for BasicType.INTEGER


Synonym for BasicType.STRING

Package Contents

tracdap.rt.api.A(attr_name, attr_value, attr_type=None, categorical=False)

Shorthand alias for define_attribute()


This is an experimental API that is not yet stabilised, expect changes in future versions of TRAC

Return type:


  • attr_name (str)

  • attr_value (Any)

  • attr_type (BasicType | None)

  • categorical (bool)

tracdap.rt.api.F(field_name, field_type, label, business_key=False, categorical=False, not_null=None, format_code=None, field_order=None)

Shorthand alias for define_field()

Return type:


  • field_name (str)

  • field_type (BasicType)

  • label (str)

  • business_key (bool)

  • categorical (bool)

  • not_null (bool | None)

  • format_code (str | None)

  • field_order (int | None)

tracdap.rt.api.P(param_name, param_type, label, default_value=None, *, param_props=None)

Shorthand alias for define_parameter()

Return type:


  • param_name (str)

  • param_type (BasicType | TypeDescriptor)

  • label (str)

  • default_value (Any | None)

  • param_props (Dict[str, Any] | None)

tracdap.rt.api.define_attribute(attr_name, attr_value, attr_type=None, categorical=False)

Define an individual model attribute


This is an experimental API that is not yet stabilised, expect changes in future versions of TRAC

Model attributes can be defined using this function or the shorthand alias A(). A name and value are always required to define an attribute. Attribute type is required for multivalued attributes but is optional otherwise. The categorical flag can be applied to STRING attributes to mark them as categorical.

Model attributes can be passed to define_attributes(), either as individual arguments or as a list, to create the set of attributes for a model.

  • attr_name (str) – The attribute name

  • attr_value (Any) – The attribute value (as a raw Python value)

  • attr_type (BasicType | None) – The TRAC type for this attribute (optional, except for multivalued attributes)

  • categorical (bool) – A flag to indicate whether this attribute is categorical


A model attribute, in the format understood by the TRAC platform

Return type:



Define a set of attributes to catalogue and describe a model


This is an experimental API that is not yet stabilised, expect changes in future versions of TRAC

Model attributes can be defined using define_attribute() or the shorthand alias A(). This function takes a number of model attributes, either as individual arguments or as a list, and arranges them in the format required by TracModel.define_attributes().


attributes (TagUpdate | List[TagUpdate]) – The attributes that will be defined, either as individual arguments or as a list


A set of model attributes, in the correct format to return from TracModel.define_attributes()

Return type:


tracdap.rt.api.define_field(field_name, field_type, label, business_key=False, categorical=False, not_null=None, format_code=None, field_order=None)

Define an individual field for use in a schema

Individual fields in a schema can be defined using this method or the shorthand alias F(). The name, type and label of a field are always required. The business_key and categorical flags are false by default. The not_null flag is false by default unless the field is a business key, in which case it is true by default. Explicitly specifying not_null=False for a business key will cause a validation error. Format code is optional.

So long as field order is not specified for any field in a schema, field ordering will be assigned automatically. If field orders are specified explicitly, the fields in a schema must have a contiguous ordering starting at 0. When updating a model it is good practice to leave existing fields in order and add any new fields to the end of the list.

Schema fields can be passed to define_schema(), either as individual arguments or as a list, to create a SchemaDefinition. To define the inputs or outputs of a TracModel, fields can also be passed directly to define_input_table() or define_output_table().

  • field_name (str) – The field’s name, used as the field identifier in code and queries (must be a valid identifier)

  • field_type (BasicType) – The data type of the field, only primitive types are allowed

  • label (str) – A descriptive label for the field (required)

  • business_key (bool) – Flag indicating whether this field is a business key for its dataset (default: False)

  • categorical (bool) – Flag indicating whether this is a categorical field (default: False)

  • not_null (bool | None) – Whether this field has a not null constraint (default: True for business keys, false otherwise)

  • format_code (str | None) – A code that can be interpreted by client applications to format the field (optional)

  • field_order (int | None) – Explicit field ordering (optional)


A field schema, suitable for use in a schema definition

Return type:


tracdap.rt.api.define_file_type(extension, mime_type)
  • extension (str)

  • mime_type (str)

Return type:


tracdap.rt.api.define_input(requirement, *, label=None, optional=False, dynamic=False, input_props=None)
  • requirement (Union[SchemaDefinition, FileType])

  • label (Optional[str])

  • optional (bool)

  • dynamic (bool)

  • input_props (Optional[Dict[str, Any]])

tracdap.rt.api.define_input_file(extension, mime_type, *, label=None, optional=False, input_props=None)
  • extension (str)

  • mime_type (str)

  • label (Optional[str])

  • optional (bool)

  • input_props (Optional[Dict[str, Any]])

Return type:


tracdap.rt.api.define_input_table(*fields, label=None, optional=False, dynamic=False, input_props=None)

Define a model input with a table schema

Individual fields can be defined using define_field() or the shorthand alias F(). This function takes a number of fields, either as individual arguments or as a list, and uses them to create a ModelInputSchema.

Use the label property to add a descriptive label to a model input. Inputs can be marked as optional in which case they are not required when running a job, use TracContext.has_dataset() to determine whether an optional input has been provided. Inputs can be marked as dynamic in which case the schema is not defined until the model runs, use TracContext.get_schema() to get the schema of a dynamic input.

You can use input_props to associate arbitrary key-value properties with this model input. These properties are not used by the TRAC engine, but are stored in the model metadata for the input and can be used as needed in 3rd-party applications.

  • fields (FieldSchema | List[FieldSchema]) – A set of fields to make up a TableSchema

  • label (str | None) – An optional label (of type str) for a model input schema. Default value: None.

  • optional (bool) – Mark this input as an optional model input

  • dynamic (bool) – Mark this input as a dynamic model input (the list of fields must be empty)

  • input_props (Dict[str, Any] | None) – Associate key-value properties with this input (not used by the TRAC engine)


A model input schema, suitable for returning from TracModel.define_inputs()

Return type:


tracdap.rt.api.define_output(requirement, *, label=None, optional=False, dynamic=False, output_props=None)
  • requirement (Union[SchemaDefinition, FileType])

  • label (Optional[str])

  • optional (bool)

  • dynamic (bool)

  • output_props (Optional[Dict[str, Any]])

tracdap.rt.api.define_output_file(extension, mime_type, *, label=None, optional=False, output_props=None)
  • extension (str)

  • mime_type (str)

  • label (Optional[str])

  • optional (bool)

  • output_props (Optional[Dict[str, Any]])

Return type:


tracdap.rt.api.define_output_table(*fields, label=None, optional=False, dynamic=False, output_props=None)

Define a model output with a table schema

Individual fields can be defined using define_field() or the shorthand alias F(). This function takes a number of fields, either as individual arguments or as a list, and uses them to create a ModelOutputSchema.

Use the label property to add a descriptive label to a model output. Outputs can be marked as optional, a model can decide not to provide an optional output without causing an error. Outputs can be marked as dynamic in which case the schema is not defined until the model runs, use TracContext.put_schema() to set the schema of a dynamic output before saving it.

You can use output_props to associate arbitrary key-value properties with this model output. These properties are not used by the TRAC engine, but are stored in the model metadata for the output and can be used as needed in 3rd-party applications.

  • fields (FieldSchema | List[FieldSchema]) – A set of fields to make up a TableSchema

  • label (str | None) – An optional label (of type str) for a model output schema. Default value: None.

  • optional (bool) – Mark this output as an optional model output

  • dynamic (bool) – Mark this output as a dynamic model output (the list of fields must be empty)

  • output_props (Dict[str, Any] | None) – Associate key-value properties with this output (not used by the TRAC engine)


A model output schema, suitable for returning from TracModel.define_outputs()

Return type:


tracdap.rt.api.define_parameter(param_name, param_type, label, default_value=None, *, param_props=None)

Define an individual model parameter

Model parameters can be defined using this method or the shorthand alias P(). Name, type and label are always required to define a parameter. The parameter name is used to set up parameters in a job and to access parameter values at runtime using TracContext.get_parameter().

Use the label property to add a descriptive label to a model parameter. If a default value is specified, the model parameter becomes optional. It is ok to omit optional parameters when running models or setting up jobs, in which case the default value will be used. If no default is specified then the model parameter becomes mandatory, a value must always be supplied in order to execute the model. TRAC will apply type coercion where possible to ensure the default value matches the parameter type, if the default value cannot be coerced to match the parameter type then model validation will fail.

You can use param_props to associate arbitrary key-value properties with this model parameter. These properties are not used by the TRAC engine, but are stored in the model metadata for the parameter and can be used as needed in 3rd-party applications.

Model parameters can be passed to define_parameters(), either as individual arguments or as a list, to create the set of parameters for a model.

  • param_name (str) – The parameter name, used to identify the parameter in code (must be a valid identifier)

  • param_type (BasicType | TypeDescriptor) – The parameter type, expressed in the TRAC type system

  • label (str) – A descriptive label for the parameter (required)

  • default_value (Any | None) – A default value to use if no explicit value is supplied (optional)

  • param_props (Dict[str, Any] | None) – Associate key-value properties with this parameter (not used by the TRAC engine)


A named model parameter, suitable for passing to define_parameters()

Return type:



Defined the set of parameters used by a model

Model parameters can be defined using define_parameter() or the shorthand alias P(). This function takes a number of parameters, either as individual arguments or as a list, and arranges them in the format required by TracModel.define_parameters()


parameters (_Named[ModelParameter] | List[_Named[ModelParameter]]) – The parameters that will be defined, either as individual arguments or as a list


A set of model parameters, in the correct format to return from TracModel.define_parameters()

Return type:

Dict[str, ModelParameter]

tracdap.rt.api.define_schema(*fields, schema_type=SchemaType.TABLE, dynamic=False)

Create a SchemaDefinition from a list of fields

Individual fields can be defined using define_field() or the shorthand alias F(). This function takes a number of fields, either as individual arguments or as a list, and arranges them into a SchemaDefinition.

A schema type can be specified explicitly using the schema_type parameter, currently only TABLE is supported and this is also the default.


To define the inputs or outputs of a TracModel, use define_input_table() or define_output_table() instead.

  • fields (FieldSchema | List[FieldSchema]) – The list of fields to include in the schema

  • schema_type (SchemaType) – The type of schema to create (currently only TABLE schemas are supported)

  • dynamic (bool) – Define a dynamic schema (fields list should be empty)


A schema definition built from the supplied fields

Return type:


tracdap.rt.api.load_schema(package, schema_file, schema_type=SchemaType.TABLE)

Load a SchemaDefinition from a CSV file in the model package

The schema CSV file must contain the following columns:

  • field_name (string, required)

  • field_type (BasicType, required)

  • label (string, required)

  • business_key (boolean, optional)

  • categorical (boolean, optional)

  • format_code (string, optional)

Field ordering is assigned by the order the fields are listed in the CSV file. A schema type can be specified explicitly using the schema_type parameter, currently only TABLE is supported and this is also the default.


To define the inputs or outputs of a TracModel, a schema can be loaded with this function and used to construct a ModelInputSchema or ModelOutputSchema.

  • package (ModuleType | str) – Package (or package name) in the model repository that contains the schema file

  • schema_file (str) – Name of the schema file to load, which must be in the specified package

  • schema_type (SchemaType) – The type of schema to create (currently only TABLE schemas are supported)


A schema definition loaded from the schema file

Return type:



Synonym for BasicType.BOOLEAN


Synonym for BasicType.DATE


Synonym for BasicType.DATETIME


Synonym for BasicType.DECIMAL


Synonym for BasicType.FLOAT


Synonym for BasicType.INTEGER


Synonym for BasicType.STRING